Honestly. How much more stupid can republicans get? Apparently this means that if I have sex in the next two weeks (no plans to, mother, don't worry), I am pregnant RIGHT NOW.
Oh snap. Better stop drinking my liver into oblivion and smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day.
And A WOMAN signed this shit into law. Like, what the hell. WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING AND WHERE CAN I GET SOME?! That has to be some good ass shit, Jan Brewer, and well worth the side effects of massive paranoia and racism, of course.
I don't know, man.
This country is messed up.
I don't know what more there is to say. This is so ridiculous in every way imaginable.
I feel like Oprah is just sitting there in the corner going, "YOU GET A HEADACHE AND YOU GET A HEADACHE AND YOU GET A HEADACHE! EVERYBODY GETS A HEADACHE!"
Because that's what this whole ridiculous "life begins at conception or in the case of Arizona two weeks PRIOR to conception" is giving me.
I'm going to go watch Gilmore Girls now.
Peace out.