This blog goes dormant because I forget I have it. I spend far too much time on Tumblr and Facebook.
In other news, OBAMA WON!
I voted for him. Obama may not be a perfect president, and I may not agree with everything he does, but I wasn't going to run the risk of Romney winning the election because I (and many others) may have voted for Jill Stein. I'm content with the results, and I am looking forward to Romney going away.
Tammy Baldwin also beat Tommy Thompson in the Senate race! And I cast a vote for her, as well!
When she originally started running, I knew a lot of people (liberals, even) talking about how Thompson would win because Tammy was too liberal.
Guess what? She won!
Mark Pocan (who I also voted for) gained Tammy Baldwin's current seat.
Sadly, Paul Ryan defeated Rob Zerban in his election. Though I live in Wisconsin, I'm not in Ryan's district so I couldn't vote in that one.
I don't know much else about Wisconsin's Congresspeople other than I believe all the incumbents were reelected.
Our state senate is under the control of republicans again, sadly. Basically, the state can do whatever the fuck it wants now without any real repercussions because they have a majority. Hopefully they realize that they can't be as incredibly divisive or cruel as they have been in the past.
I'm pleased that Mourdock and Akin both lost.
And I'm pleased that there are now 20 women in the senate.
I'm also incredibly happy that three states legalized same sex marriage and that Minnesota voted no for defining marriage as between a man and a woman.
AND Colorado and Washington legalized pot.
Oh. And Puerto Rico voted to become a state.
So yup.
I know I didn't cover all the election results, but these are the ones I was really paying attention to in the past few months.
Alex happy :)
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