Friday, June 15, 2012

Not entirely political post, more economical.

During the summer, I clean hotel rooms.  I make $7.50 an hour doing so as a part time student employee.

The part time employees that are not students make $8.50 an hour.

The full time employees make $14 an hour and receive benefits.

While the part time employees, including students, have opportunities for raises, the full time employees don't.

The employees that are not students basically rely on this job for everything.  It pays their bills, their rent, and buys them food.

But guess what? $14 an hour doesn't cut it.  Most of them have at least one other job if not two.

There is a practice that is dying out that needs to start again.

People, tip when you stay in a hotel.

Even a dollar or two makes a difference.

If your room is particularly messy, you might want to leave a few extra dollars.  It's hard work.  We stand for 6+ hours a day.  We clean your rooms.  We make your beds.  We avoid moving, touching, or breaking your possessions.

I've been back here for a month.  I've worked about 100 hours since coming back, at least, and I've gotten about $6 in tips the entire time I've been here.

If you can afford to stay in a hotel, you can afford to leave two extra dollars for the housekeeping staff.




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